(promised myself i'd post something every day this week, so i'm gonna cheat a bit and post these photos before midnight, then come back and add the captions, so it still counts as my "Monday" post.)
went for a late afternoon walk with the camera and the boy in tow. most of the photos i took were of trash (will explain why tomorrow).
standing in the middle of la rue Sherbrooke Ouest at a red light. the boy always drags me to the intersection to cross the street (instead of in the middle of the block, as the defiant New Yorker in me tends to do) because he's Canadian and it's against their programming to break rules...
i smelled these roses before i saw them. such a pretty shade of pink...
(we strolled around Monkland Village for a while, eventually popping into the grocery store for fixings for dinner, then headed back down the hill toward home)
a cluster of well-chewed leaves on a copper beech. the sky was actually much darker than it appears in the photo, and the tiny bits of light visible through the lacy holes caught my attention as i walked past the tree...
the bent cross outside the old church seemed to be making a poignant statement...
an alleyway that leads to the heart of the block (i.e., where the back of houses on one street are right across from the back of the houses one street over). all the blocks in the neighborhood are like that, and it's sometimes fun to walk down the alleys and look at the backyard gardens and patios on either side of the alleyway as you go...
Notre Dame de GrĂ¢ce Park at night...
southern edge of the park...
back home with bay scallops, calamari, baby bok choy, shiitake mushrooms, ginger, and garlic for dinner...
added some scallions and a green chili and everything is prepped and ready to go, with a quickly tossed together sauce on standby and peanut oil for stir-frying...
served atop steamed white rice. the boy wanted a wide bowl...
but i prefer to eat everything out of a cereal bowl...
after dinner, we put out the recycling, and i used the cover of darkness to retrieve an old frame from the trash for a future craft project... but i will save that adventure for another day.
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