the tomatoes are starting to ripen!!! seriously... that's as exciting as life gets around here.
after a couple inches of knitting, i transferred the new scarf to a piece of cotton yarn to check that i'd cast on enough stitches (would hate to get all the way to the end, then discover it's not long enough to keep my neck toasty)...
and spent the best part of the day laughing at this...
can't think of a better way to end my post-a-day week. thank you to anyone out there who actually read any part of it, or just looked at the pictures... or even clicked long enough to realize that you weren't interested in my non-adventures. [Roberto, your sweater is on the "knitting to get to... once the hottest part of summer's done" list, which should (hopefully) give me enough time to get over my squirrelphobia.]