
salvage job...

so... i made this bracelet...

but i've been haunted by this feeling
of overwhelming incompleteness.  it just did't feel done.  don't get me wrong... i am renowned for the dullness of my mostly-black wardrobe, but i do love bold accessories.  this thing just... well... it has all the excitement of hand-washing gym socks.

so, i sorted through my stash, and added a few random bits and bobs in an effort to create a more controlled-disorder effect. 

not bad, eh?

i love the twisty metal bits and the crystal dangling from the chain.  this project ranks somewhere in the range of advanced-beginner.  it is, after all, a simple charm bracelet... but there is so much beauty in simplicity.   

oh... and i had a handful of wired beads left over...

so i wrapped them onto a a few links, added ear hooks, et voilà... earrings!!!  with a bracelet that busy, it's best to keep the earrings simple, or just opt for a pair of hoops instead.

after all the hard work taking pictures of my own wrist,  i unwound with a treat from the little pâtisserie up the street that claims to make the world's best donuts.  the pillowy, old-fashioned dough is filled with a vanilla pastry cream that is absolutely superb.  the chocolate donut disappeared mysteriously while i was searching for the camera.  hey... no one's ever accused me of having either patience or self-control.  not sure if i'm ready to uphold the advertised claim of world's best... but that is one absurdly good donut.

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