
what is the point...

after what was without doubt one of the most soul-draining Winters of my life, i was really looking forward to the arrival of Spring. it seems to finally be here.

him: uhm... Spring happened like two months ago.
me: that is adorable. 

then i just shake my head in pity that he thinks this is what Spring is meant to feel like. 

still, while it has been mostly chilly, wet, and grey with hardly a trace of sunlight to distinguish night from day, the temperature has remained above freezing for a few weeks now. i think it is safe to call this season Spring.

i am not abandoning my warm blanket just yet though, especially not with an "aggressive cold front" in the forecast. and, no... i have no idea what makes a cold front "aggressive", but that sounds like a meteorologically-polite way of warning us that it will feel like "not quite Spring".

this is the time of year when my fancy usually turns to thoughts of gardening. we are going to try something a bit different this time around. there is only so much space to be had when your garden consists of however many containers of soil you can squeeze onto a (moderately-sized) balcony. as a result, for every new thing you add to said space, you have to abandon all plans of growing some other thing.

i usually scoff at the idea of growing flowers. you know... all those brightly colored plants that serve no purpose other than to be pretty and to bring joy. yuck! however, i allowed myself to be talked into giving it a try for this year's balcony garden project. so, off we went to the garden center, and home we came with an assortment of pretty, colorful things.

see that?

it is called a dahlia, and it is beautiful. now, i ask you... what is the point of such a useless thing?

we also picked up a variety of small annuals, which i planted in a couple of the troughs on the railing. the troughs are mostly symmetrical, except one has red snapdragons...

and the other one has yellow snapdragons. OCD may require me to run out in the middle of the night and remedy this kinda sorta but not quite symmetry.

there are also flowers in one of the ten-gallon containers that would otherwise be holding edible things. i expect them to explode into a lovely display of color... should we ever get anything resembling actual sunshine.

i did manage to squeeze in a few tasty things for future culinary adventures. so far, we have three types of tomatoes, two types of peppers, and an assortment of herbs.

oh... and i also bought a few strawberry plants which i will add to the remaining trough before the end of the day. strawberries usually do pretty well in containers, and i look forward to the dramatic effect of them hanging from the railing. naturally, there will be many frustrated reports of damage-by-squirrels in the coming weeks.

[i transplanted the strawberries and grabbed a few pictures before pressing the "publish" button, so i will insert them in here for your viewing pleasure.]

if you look at the center of a strawberry flower, you will see the start of a tiny strawberry. i call it... future strawberry.

while i do feel a touch of sorrow at having lost the rest of my precious... precious... garden space to pretty, flowering things, we do have a few indoor plant adventures planned for the near future. that should keep me distracted for a while. then there is the furniture to be reupholstered... teaching him to sew... and a couple rooms that (still) need to be painted.

this would be a good time to sit back, have a sip of my coffee, and look out at the pretty, useless things. i can get used to this.


  1. The problem is not the flowers, the problem is the balcony. You need more balcony. Perhaps if you were to turn the room (s) that lead into (or off of) the balcony, into MORE outside--at least during the twelve minutes of summer you have at some point, you could accommodate more plants.

    Just a thought.

    And while your husband is calendar oriented rather than weather oriented, I must agree that spring is a state of mind, not numbers on a calendar page. Right now our appletrees are blossoming, all at once, before the next snow flurry...

    1. apple blossoms would be such a welcomed sight right now, especially as this feels like the Spring that really does not want to happen. i was watching a podcast from some ladies out in New Brunswick, and i almost cried when they mentioned that they are still getting snow. i would probably have a breakdown if i saw even a single snowflake any time soon.

      regarding the balcony... i definitely need more room. the next door neighbors might have to move so i can lay claim to that space. they'd have to keep paying all the bills though. not sure how to get them to agree to go along with that plan.

    2. As I was stuffing yet another log into the kitchen stove this morning my husband said, not for the first time, "where is all that global warming they keep telling us about?"
      It was 42F. outside and about 64F. inside. Three days ago we had sun. IT may happen again, at any moment. Im ready.

      What I have never been able to reconcile: why does 65 Deg. feel so GOOD outdoors, and so cold indoors?

    3. glad to know i'm not the only one who's always cold indoors on days when it's supposed to be warm outside. we had a somewhat sunny afternoon yesterday, so hopefully Mother Nature has found the recipe to make the sun shine again.

    4. and it stopped raining long enough for the grass/hay to dry out enough to chop off. My husband gleefully informed me it might rain tomorrow. I begin to wish the Weather Station had never been invented, spare me the agony, just let me enjoy this moment of joy...
